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IRON PALM Herb Kits Now Available ...
Australian Martial Artists and Combat Sports people can now make their own IRON PALM Dit Da Jow at home using our Traditional Dit Da Jow kits.
Each kit comes with instructions on how to prepare the kit including the best type of glass jars and alcohol to use. We also point you where to buy these items.
Need Dit Da Jow now?
If you can't wait for your herb kit to decoct and steep, and need dit da jow now ..
send us an email to
Prepare your own
Traditional Chinese Dit Da Jow
with our Complete Herb Kits.
Prepared Dit Da Jow is a traditional Chinese Medicine used for relief of mild muscular soreness, sprains & strains, joint pain and bruise healing.
For High Performance Athletes, Sportspeople and Martial Artists.
Based on the ancient herbal traditions of the Shaolin Temple and
Iron Palm Masters.
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